Earth Day Every Day

3:02:00 PM

On the 22nd April was the annual Earth Day, an event created to promote environmental protection. Earth Day started in 1970. This year, an important agreement called "Paris Agreement" was up for signing and 171 countries signed it. The Paris Agreement is an important step towards helping the whole world deal with the issues that we face because of climate change.

What can we do in our everyday lives that can help our planet?

I think when you start changing something, it's best to start small and work your way up to bigger things. I have read about some tips we all can start implementing in our lives that will in the long run affect the environment in a better way.

1. Save Water

Using unnecessary amount of water is one of the main things that affect our environment. Simplest thing where you can start saving water is when brushing your teeth or washing the dishes. The water shouldn't run all the time. Make that everyday routine work with the water turned off as much as possible. Another thing to have in mind is to check if there are any water leaks in the house, which can be a source of water waste. It's more economical to use the washing machine when you have a full load of clothes than less. Turning off the water supply of the washing machine when not in use is also a good thing that saves water. When watering your lawn, don't use more water than it's necessary. Also, installing water-saving devices on the faucets and toilets is a good way to save water.

2. Use Less Electricity

Changing light bulbs from standard ones to the fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) will use 2/3 less energy. Look out for the ENERGY STAR products when buying appliances. They meet EPA and U.S. Department of Energy guidelines for energy efficiency. Turn off lights, TV's, computers when you are not in the room and when you are not using them.

3. Use Paper Wisely

When buying notebooks/printing paper/toilet paper look out for the ones that have the eco stamp. Like the FSC stamp. Check them out: Forest Stewardship Council

4. Plant Trees 

We all know that without trees there would be no life on the planet. Trees also help filter pollution from the air. A good thing to do is research what trees would be most beneficial to plant in the area where you live.

5. Don't Use Plastic Bags

You can use a cloth bag when shopping. Plastic is non-degradable and in many cases when it gets out there it can be fatal for various animal species. They can choke on them or get tangled in them.

There are many more tips and ways to help the environment, but i think this is a good starting point. Fact is the climate is changing in what seems a fast paste and we should really start doing our part to help protect our planet, cause you know, it's the only one we have and can live on.

Do you have any other advice? What do you do to protect the environment? Feel free to share, the more we learn and start doing the better. :)

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