Ban Ivory Trade in The UK

10:03:00 AM

The government of China announced in December 2016 that it intended to stop all ivory trading by the end of 2017. And China is sticking to its promise and shutting down ivory processing factories, in accordance with their self-imposed March 2017 deadline.

It seemed like the UK was also planning to ban all ivory trade. But now, it looks like the Conservatives have gone back on their promise to ban the ivory trade.

"It seemed for a while that the Conservative Party realised that unless an ivory trade ban is introduced, elephants face extinction in the wild within the lifetime of most people in the UK."

So, why did they change their minds?

"The prevailing view is that an ivory trade ban would cost the antiques industry money and so it successfully lobbied influential Conservatives to have it dropped. Many antiques contain ivory or are made of ivory, a ban would prevent trading in such items."

The general election in the UK will be held on June 8. Conservative MPs were among those who fought to have an ivory ban, but with the current situation, a vote for the Conservatives on June 8 will mean continued ivory trade. The Labour Party’s 2017 Manifesto has pledged to ban ivory trading in the UK. There is no mention of it in the Liberal Democrat’s 2017 Manifesto.

"Elephants are dying at a rate of one every fifteen minutes at the hands of ivory poachers. They are facing extinction if urgent action isn’t taken. If this is an issue you care about, then please make sure your vote at the General Election is one that will put the plight of elephants, and indeed all endangered species on the agenda."

You can see the original article here: Your Vote Could Help Ban Ivory Trading in The UK

I hope UK will choose the party that wants to end ivory trade, once and for all.

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