11:49:00 PM

A lot has happened since I posted an update regarding this action. I apologize for that, I will try to be more frequent with the updates. I think this campaign is very important and that it can help animals in Indonesia.

To remind ourselves, it all started with P Holmes, who has created a petition regarding the malnourished bears in the Bandung Zoo, in Indonesia. You can see the first post on my blog regarding that here:Skeletal sun bears begging for food in Indonesian zoo.

The article where you can find the video from the zoo: Shocking video shows skeletal sun bears BEGGING visitors to feed them junk food - as they are trapped and starving in an Indonesian zoo

The latest news regarding the sun bears:

"Executive Director of Wildlife Sanctuary in Colorado agreed to rescue the sun bears but unless they are released, the rescue cannot happen. I contacted Pat Craig from Wildlife Sanctuary, CO again last week, he stands by his offer to take the sun bears from Bandung zoo if their release can be secured and his offer extends to any sun bears from Indonesia. Sun bears are a protected species in Indonesia so they belong to the government, not the zoo owners."

It is sad that zoos use the excuse of conservation to exploit the endangered species. If a species is protected/endangered then it is the Government's responsibility to enforce their laws but sadly it is not being carried out and poor innocent animals continue to suffer. If zoo wants to carry out conservation effort, then provide the animal with a decent habitat!"

This action is still ongoing. The sun bears are still in the Bandung Zoo. Good news is that they are at least being fed.

You can sign the petition asking for the closure of the zoo here:
Shut down the Bandung Zoo now!

and the petition on care2.com:

President Widodo, Shut down Bandung Zoo now.

Please also share the petition.

Since my last update the situation has developed further and now P Holmes, with the help of "Animal House TV" creator and producer Rebecca Rodriguez is organizing a campaign that will help more than just the sun bears and the rest of the animals in Bandung Zoo, but also all of the animals in Indonesia. Rebecca has created a GoFundMe page so they can collect funds necessary to keep on fighting for the animals there. You can find out more about Rebecca's team here: Meet Rebecca's team (Update #32 on the GoFundMe page).

If you can, please donate and share the GoFundMe page: Help the Animals of Indonesia. All of Rebecca's updates, from the start, can be read there (Including the pictures that can't be seen in the updates from the petition I have linked here in my blog post, since I can't share the separate updates directly from the GoFundMe page).

Rebecca was in Indonesia, to see for herself and report on the conditions there. Sadly, her trip was cut short due to some disturbing developments. However, the rest of her group stayed behind. You can read the full update here: Update from Indonesia. (Update #25 & #31 on the GoFundMe page ).

"Fueled by corruption and poverty, zoos, safari parks, animal performance acts, forced photo props, pet markets and wildlife trade markets are overflowing with varying degrees of neglect, torture, abuse, and despair. Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, small mammals, primates, etc…many of them endangered species, are struggling in a hotbed of anguish and suffering. Poaching is rampant, the illegal wildlife trade is booming and natural habitats are being destroyed at an alarming rate. 

The things that I saw happening out in the open, brought me to my knees. To think of the things that are happening to these animals behind the scenes, nearly paralyzes me."

There is a lot that needs to be done for the animals, and here you can see the plan: Vision and Strategy to forge ahead (Update #33 on the GoFundMe page).

Regarding the Bandung zoo, Rebecca has said:

"I am not of the mindset to spend time and resources to help an animal exploitation establishment (e.g. a zoo), exploit animals better or in a better environment. Ideally, this zoo would close, along with several other animal establishments in Indonesia. While we can still work to this end, in the meantime, we can offer solutions to improve the quality of life for the animals currently there."

I totally agree with Rebecca, that these zoos need to close. I also agree that in the meantime, helping the animals that are there is the right thing to do. But, let's not forget the ultimate goal, which is freedom for these animals. No matter how much you try to be as humane as possible, confining an animal is still cruel and unnecessary. Wouldn't it be better to organize tours throughout Indonesia where you can see the animals in their natural habitat and enjoy the world of animals that way? Those animals deserve to be free, and hopefully in time that will be possible.

"We are here because we love animals and because we care about this world. I need your help to not only reach but to exceed the goal of this campaign, so I can achieve the objectives above. Please tell your family and friends that even $1 can make a difference. 

If there is one project above, that resonates with you, that you may like to become more involved with, please reach out to me and I will happily share more information. 

One of my favorite quotes is by Ryunosuke Satoro. It goes… “Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” Let’s be the ocean. For the Animals, Rebecca"

Help by spreading the word about the abuse the animals in Indonesia are facing each day. The world needs to know, so more people can help. If you can donate, please do so. Any amount, even 1$, helps a lot! Also please share the petitions and the GoFundMe page.

You can follow Animal House TV on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnimalHouseTV/ where you can also see the latest updates regarding the campaign, and you can follow Rebecca on her Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/msrebrod/

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