Drilling Continues

11:05:00 PM

The Army Corps of Engineers notified Congress on Wednesday that it intends to override the environmental review process for the Dakota Access Pipeline, end the public comment period, and grant Energy Transfer Partners the easement they require to drill under Lake Oahe.

The drilling has officially continued!

The President's announcement of his plans is very interesting. See for yourself:

What can we all do to help?

Lakota People's Law Project is a project of the Romero Institute. The Romero Institute is a team of attorneys, organizers, and researchers. They work on social justice causes.

You can send an email to Donald Trump:

"President Trump said he hasn't received one call complaining about DAPL. That's because he closed the White House comment line! Well, we can still email him. Let’s make sure the president knows how many people object to his decision to illegally fast-track the Dakota Access Pipeline."


You can ask congress to speak out against DAPL greenlight:

"Please send a message to your representatives in the House and Senate that we, the people, do not accept the illegal fast-tracking of the Dakota Access Pipeline through sacred lands without diligent environmental oversight previously requested and promised. We encourage you to personalize your message by adding your own thoughts as you see fit."


You can donate to Lakota People’s Law Project:

"We’ve seen the power of our collective spirit in action, but the battle to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline’s passage through sacred tribal lands has only just begun. Everyone at the Lakota People’s Law Project pledges to deliver our expertise and support around the clock. Please help power our movement to protect Mother Earth and win justice for the Lakota people by making a donation today."


You can divest!

Guide to Divestment by Rachel Heaton

The latest update from Chase Iron Eyes (co-founder of  the website Last Real Indians and the lead local counsel of Lakota People's Law Project):

Follow the Lakota Law Twitter page and Facebook page to stay updated.

Also visit the official site of the Last Real Indians: http://lastrealindians.com/. They also have a Twitter and Facebook page.

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