Single Moms Planet - Being a single mom and being happy

3:58:00 PM

This is an organization that was founded by Neferteri Plessy. Neferteri is a TV personality, model and a television producer and she herself is a single mom of two boys and knows first hand the struggles and challenges single moms have to face.

The goal of the organization is to empower single moms and through Life Classes help them strive in the five key areas: Self-Image, Relationships, Finances, Spirituality and Service.

They organize events, award ceremonies, have fun recipes and beauty tips and i think most importantly they have built a community where women can connect and build friendships with each other and in that process help themselves, which i think is a wonderful thing.

If you are a single mom, hopefully this organization will be helpful and informative to you or if you know someone that is a single mom, please share it with them. It might help.

Power to the badass single moms out there. You rock! :)

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