URGENT: Help Chrom

4:49:00 PM

This is Chrom. Chrom has a condition called chronic urinary blockages. These urinary blockages only happen to male cats and causes them extreme pain and can even lead to death if the cat is unable to urinate. The doctor suggested Chrom to get the perineal urethrostomy (P.U. surgery) for cats, which essentially widens his urethra so he can pass any blockage.

"Unfortunately, we cannot afford this $3000 surgery and my parents are thinking of putting him to sleep. Chrom is only 4 YEARS OLD and has plenty of time left in this world. I DO NOT want to euthanize him just because we cannot afford a simple surgery."

I can only imagine how awful it must be for a person when he/she doesn't have the necessary money to help his/her pet. I found this post on Tumblr and decided to share here. Please if you can help by donating, that would be amazing, but just sharing is also a great help.

Let's help this little guy get the healthy again. :)

Here is the original post: http://chirp-ina.tumblr.com/post/145931853095/please-help-me-save-chrom
GoFundMe page: https://www.gofundme.com/2958tkc

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